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Auteur    Darger, Henry 1892-1973 Liste alphabétique
Titre    Darger [Texte imprimé] : the Henry Darger Collection at the American Folk Art Museum ; Brooke Davis Anderson ; essay by Michel Thévoz ; translation by Catherine G. Sweeney
Éditeur    New York : American Folk Art Museum : Harry N. Abrams, 2001 Liste alphabétique
Description    1 vol. (127 p.) : ill. en noir et en coul. ; 21 x 29 cm
Notes    Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the American Folk Art Museum presented december to junr 2002 as part of "American Anthem", the inaugural series of exhibitions at the Museum's new building at 45 West Fifty-third Street, New -York.
Résumé    Henry Darger had an art collection. He displayed it in his one-room apartment in Chicago, nearly one hundred artworks hanging from string, tacked into the walls, or pasted with glue directly onto various surfaces. Like many art collectors, Darger had a passion to amass images meant, most likely, to provide him with pleasure and satisfaction, as well as to amuse his curiosity and intellect. And like many practicing artists, he surrounded himself with his own production—paintings, drawings, and collages—made in a modest scale, with simple supplies and readily available material. His densely layered collage technique prioritized images of people from newspaper clippings, magazine illustrations, coloring book pages, and photographic enlargements. Selected from the more than eighty cardboard collages in the museum’s collection and exhibited for the first time, the works on view illustrate another, previously unexplored aspect of Darger’s creative world. These are the images to which Darger woke up each morning, returned to every evening after church and work, and retired to at night.
ISBN    0-8109-1398-4 rel.
Sujets    Essai (genre littéraire) américain--21e siècle Liste alphabétique
Collage (art)--20e siècle--Catalogues d'exposition Liste alphabétique
Darger, Henry 1892-1973--Catalogues d'exposition Liste alphabétique
Collab.    Anderson, Brooke Davis 1962-.... Liste alphabétique
Thévoz, Michel 1936-.... Liste alphabétique
Sweeney, Catherine G. Liste alphabétique
American folk art museum New York Liste alphabétique

  • Fondation Jan Michalski - Réserve - Littérature et arts graphiques - Livre
    1. Fonds propre - A.IV DARG - Consultation sur place

