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Auteur    Lee, Chang-rae 1965-.... Liste alphabétique
Titre    Aloft [Texte imprimé] / Chang-rae Lee
Éditeur    London : Bloomsbury, 2005 Liste alphabétique
Description    1 vol. (343 p.) ; 20 cm
Collection    Bloomsbury paperbacks Liste alphabétique
Résumé    Being a solo flyer made sense to Jerry Battle right from the start. For his 56th birthday, his longtime (and recently ex-) girlfriend Rita Reyes had given him a gift certificate for a flying lesson. Once Jerry was up there he thought everything looked perfect. But everything isn't perfect and for such a nice guy, Jerry could wreak an amazing amount of havoc ... Life is about to deal Jerry Battle his toughest hand yet. With his ailing father yearning to flee his Care Centre and his son teetering on bankruptcy, and, for once, no woman in his life to rely on, Jerry's daughter is about to bestow on him a father's worst nightmare. But maybe Jerry Battle needs to finally work out what it is that separates him from his loved ones and be tugged back to earth to engage with one of the most compelling and unforgettable of family dramas. (Publisher)
ISBN    0-7475-7248-8 br.
Sujets    Roman américain--21e siècle Liste alphabétique

  • Fondation Jan Michalski - Réserve - Littératures de langue anglaise - Livre
    1. Fonds propre - 8.20 LEE. - Disponible

